Saturday, April 14, 2007

Love the Laugh

Lily has the most contagious laugh ever!! Whe she gets going, she can hardly breathe, then she starts to hic-up!
I thought I should show the "non"-trantrum side of Lily!
By the way..she had another WILD trantum the day after the doctors visit. We had to leave the library, screaming, and she ended up in her crib for a time-out without her special "gluckie" (aka blanket).
She has now been trantum free for 3 days!! Hmmmm..Calm before the storm.....maybe???
ahhhh gotta love the terrible two's.


Mom to Kayli and Mya said...

OMG! she has the most adorable laugh!!

She is so beautiful Krista! We have 2 beauties from DJ!!!!!


Mammarazzi Madness said...

Lily, you are tooo cute. Aly and I like your laugh ....


Erin Audrey Rowsell said...

I LOVE YOU LILLY!! That just made my WHOLE day, maybe week, maybe year! Oh I miss that laugh so so so much. heart heart heart hug hug hug