Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well, things are going a bit smoother! Although yesterday morning left a little bit to be desired!
But all in all, good.

Both kids have come leaps and bounds considering everything that has been thrown at them.
Lily is trying to use her words more when she is overwhelmed, instead of screaming, and Hanlin is learning to give her space. We still have our moments!! LOL Who doesn't !

I've started a sticker chart, and it seems to be working.... I think Halin has gotten the idea of it more so than Lily! He has his eye on the prize!!
Obviously, I know it is not going to be rainbows and roses, it isn't for any of my kids... they fight, they play, they have fun, they have tears! But I know they all love one another, and have a great respect for each other.

Here is a quick photo page from last weekend, at my Dad's place !


Sampsons said...

they sure are CUTE! You know there's an evolutionary reason for cuteness... but I'm glad to hear things are becoming a bit easier. N

Mammarazzi Madness said...

Gosh, they both look like they have grown!
Look at Lily's hair ....
See you Friday :)

my3 kids said...

Wow what cute kids you have:) I was thinking the same thing about Lily's has it ever grown. Hanlin is so handsome...all kids fight but it sure is draining on us parents isn't it. I feel for my mother on days when the kids are at each other knowing what it was like for her when my brother and I little.

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Hey Krista,
Glad to hear things are "normal" at your house. It sounds like mine...we are 4 months past adoption and I am just starting to be able to say I feel like our life is "normal" again. Evan is settling in ver well, Alyssa is finally accepting him and the older boys are settling down as well. This was/is NOT an easy transition but it is so worth it!!! Hanlin is simply adorable and looks like he is loving his new home. Does he cry for his foster mother? Evan cried everyday for 2 months. He doesn't cry as much anymore but he still asks about her, talks about her and his life in China and keeps telling us he is going back to her when he is "20". (He's even going to fly the plane by himself!)

Hope all is well...we should really try to get together sometime! I'm hoping to come to MOncton area for a training workshop (post adoption support training) in November.

Talk soon,