When my mom died, in October 2007, there were lots of living plants from lots of wonderful people!! One plant in particular caught my eye, and I brought it home to my dad's until I returned back to my house. Well, I guess once at dad's house, it caught his eye and he decided to split the plant in half... he got a beautiful healthy portion, while I got a branch, a leafless branch!! I didn't want to say anything, but I was honestly heart broken at the time. I am not any longer! This has turned into a funny little competition between us!
Over the last year and a half, his plant has grown and produced some wonderful flowers, 10 sometimes 15 at a time, while mine has produced a leaf... sometimes 2!! He always calls me to razz me about his gorgeous plant, and we get a good laugh when he asks how my branch is doing!
Well, I am soo happy to say that TODAY, MY PLANT FLOWERED!!!!
A big pink-red blossom with about 8 more on the way!!! YEAH!!!!!!
I can't wait to rub it in, I mean, tell my dad!
For the life of me I can't remember the name of this plant.. Cheryl I know you know!!
We are off to Shediac for the long weekend! Lots of pics when we get back.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lily was a trooper at the dentist on Thursday! They didn't have to use laughing gas or give her "happy juice"!! She was very good, and relaxed and cooperated with everything. They were also excellent at explaining everything to her, in terms a 4.5yr old could understand.
She will need to go back to have 7 more teeth, rebuilt. They don't have cavities yet, but will soon or crumble apart.
The dentist said it is due to malnutrition while she was in China that 1st year. That is when those teeth were developing. We're hoping her permanent teeth will be fine.
While her mouth was frozen, she bite her lip and managed to make it quite fat, and white!! It looks a bit better today.
Then to add to the matter, she and Hanlin were playing yesterday, and had blankets over their heads, while on the couches. She fell off, hit her chin on the floor and now has a huge bruise on the bottom of her chin.
She came out crying that she hurt her chin, but she wasn't really that upset. I gave it a kiss and sent her on her way! (I had no idea they had blankets over their heads running around).
Posted by
5:33 AM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Well, I thought we had dodged a bullet!!
But... we didn't !!!!!!!!!!
From our first dentist visit with 2 years ago, he told us that her teeth were very weak and brittle, but we've been lucky so far and have no dental issues.. until last night!
We were finishing our supper, (which was lobsters, mussels and steak by the way, yum yum) When she started to say that her tooth hurt. I took a look and thought there was food or a shell stuck between the teeth, but when I tried to floss, the floss would snap in half. After brushing, attempts at flossing etc.. I finally could make out a black mark, under her tooth!!
We headed straight to the dentist this morning, and he confirmed a cavity, between and under the tooth. she just had a cleaning in May, and had a clean bill of teeth!!!
Apparently, her tooth has broken or chipped away over the past 2 months, and has caused a cavity. He tried to get an x-ray to see if there were any more problems hiding, but her mouth is so little that she kept gagging on the film, so they sent us to a specialist. We were so lucky, as they saw us the same day, just 1.5 hours later!! They also tried to take an x-ray, but no luck.
However, this dentist took a good look, and said not only does she need work on that tooth, but also on her 2 upper molars, which are now flaking apart and she'll need work on the other side, but not right away. So on Thursday we are heading back to the specialist, for a filling! UGH!
This dentist has "happy juice" to give to the kids in the waiting room before they go in, but since Lily was so cooperative, that they feel she doesn't need it! So I asked for some for me instead!
The dentist also has Operating privileges, and apparently that is why we were sent to her, that if Lily needs something more involved, she'll be able to arrange it quickly.
So for now, she is taking Advil every 8 hours and is a real trooper! I am lucky, she loves to go to the dentist and is very relaxed there.. lets hope this will continue on Thursday!!
Posted by
5:35 PM
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Here you go Cheryl, the pictures of Isabelle you were waiting for! She's grown up so much! What a beauty!
Posted by
10:40 AM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Check this out! It's fantastic.
First read the story behind the song..
then check out the video!
Posted by
6:57 AM
WE'RE BACK!!!!!!!!
Well, we made it home! A little soggy, but still in great moods!
Aside from the weather, we had a fabulous time, and actually the weather didn't stop us from doing stuff!
The girls had a great time at the gymnastics camp, and can't wait to go back.
The little ones loved the 1/2 day Jelly Beans camp they went to, and loved their camp counselor!
I found the greatest little german cafe and had lattes and an omelet every morning, and I can't wait to go back!! LOL
I have downloaded all my pictures, although Barb (my sister) has better ones on her camera.
I remember how much everyone liked Barb writing as a guest blogger when we were in China, so I am going to send out an invite to her again...
So how about it Barb... want to be the guest blogger for our trip to PEI?
Posted by
6:20 AM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
HI again..
Posting from an almost dry PEI... The rain is supposed to let up for hte rest of the week. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
You know, I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't enjoying my rushed mornings every day!
Once we're up, we have a fast breakfast, of toast and fruit and we're off for hte 20 mins ride into town. I drop off the 4 rugrats, and am alone by 9am!!
I make my way downtown, to my new fav spot, (ok, 2 new spots) Beanz and some german place beside it that has the best latte in the world, and I sit, and drink my coffee, read the paper, (did you know MJ died?);) then dive into a book, I've started 23 of them so far!! LOL
Today its Canada Day and I'm going to watch the big ones train for a bit before getting the little ones. I haven't been able to watch much, except yesterday they kept Isabelle for an extra 20 mins to help her with a skill she was bound and determined to get! They are so nice here.
We're hoping to go to the beach this afternoon instead of the Canada Day stuff. I brought the little ones yesterday instead, and after all this wetness, we're all in need of a day at the beach!!
TTFN (I stole that from Trail, my neice..)
PS: Tante Cheryl,
I brought my camera today, so I'll have pics!
Posted by
6:31 AM